
This Julia package implements new nodes with corresponding JuMP variables and constraints, extending the package EnergyModelsBase with more detailed representation of renewable energy sources.

These nodes are

  1. a Source node NonDisRES,
  2. a Storage node (HydroStor),
  3. a Storage node (PumpedHydroStor),
  4. a Storage node (HydroReservoir),
  5. a NetworkNode node (HydroGenerator),
  6. a NetworkNode node (HydroPump),
  7. a NetworkNode node (HydroGate).
  8. a Storage node (Battery), and
  9. a Storage node (ReserveBattery).

The new introduced node types are also documented in the public library as well as the corresponding nodal page.

Developed nodes


The first node models a non-dispatchable renewable energy source, like wind power, solar power, or run of river hydropower. These all use intermittent energy sources in the production of energy, so the maximum production capacity varies with the availability of the energy source at the time.

Simple hydropower

The PumpedHydroStor and HydroStor nodes implement a regulated hydropower storage plant, either with or without pumps for filling the reservoir with excess energy. These nodes can be used to model a single hydropower plant and reservoir, or to model an aggregated description of a hydropower system. The nodes do not include conversion from water to energy, and therby requires an energy-based descriton of the hydropower system. The hydropower storage plant can also be extended as they are declared as subtypes of HydroStorage.

Detailed hydropower

Cascaded hydropower systems can be modelled usind the HydroReservoir, HydroGate, HydroGenerator, and HydroPump nodes. These nodes can be used in combination to model a detailed hydropower system. Unlike HydroStorage nodes, these nodes allow for modelling of water as a resource that can be stored in reservoirs and moved between reservoirs to generate/consume electricity. The HydroReservoir node is a storage node used for storing water, while HydroGenerator, HydroPump and HydroGate nodes move water around in the system. HydroGenerator and HydroPump nodes convert potential energy to electric energy and vice versa.


Batteries can be modelled through both Battery and ReserveBattery Battery nodes allow for charge and discharge efficiencies as well as storage capacity degradation, if desired. ReserveBattery nodes include in addition a first implementation of the concept of capacity reserves within EnergyModelsX. A demand for reserve capacity can be implemented through a corresponding sink with penalties.

Manual outline

Description of the nodes

How to guides

Library outline