
For the content of the example, see the examples directory in the project repository.


If you use windows, you must have installed the binaries of the solver in addition. This is explained on the quick start page.

The package is installed with ] add

From the Julia REPL, run

# Starts the Julia REPL
julia> using EnergyModelsHydrogen
# Get the path of the examples directory
julia> exdir = joinpath(pkgdir(EnergyModelsHydrogen), "examples")
# Include the code into the Julia REPL to run the electrolyzer node example
julia> include(joinpath(exdir, "electrolyzer.jl"))
# Include the code into the Julia REPL to run the reformer node example
julia> include(joinpath(exdir, "reformer.jl"))
# Include the code into the Julia REPL to run the H2 storage ndoe example
julia> include(joinpath(exdir, "h2_storage.jl"))

The code was downloaded with git clone

The examples can then be run from the terminal with

/path/to/EnergyModelsHydrogen.jl/examples $ julia electrolyzer.jl
/path/to/EnergyModelsHydrogen.jl/examples $ julia reformer.jl
/path/to/EnergyModelsHydrogen.jl/examples $ julia h2_storage.jl