Quick Start

  1. Install the most recent version of Julia

  2. Install the package EnergyModelsBase and the time package TimeStruct, by running:

    ] add TimeStruct
    ] add EnergyModelsBase

    These packages are required as we do not only use them internally, but also for building a model.

  3. Install the package EnergyModelsHydrogen

    ] add EnergyModelsHydrogen

You also have to install a solver for solving the optimization problem. Depending on the type of node you plan to utilize, you can either use a standard solver or a solver supporting MOI.ScalarQuadraticFunction{Float64} in MOI.EqualTo{Float64}. In either case, you have to

  1. Install JuMP by running:

    ] add JuMP
  2. Install your chosen solver, e.g., SCIP and Gurobi, by running:

julia ] add SCIP ] add Gurobi

You may, depending on your operating system, also have to locally install the solver in addition as explained in the corresponding README file.

JuMP and solver

While JuMP is automatically installed when you add EnergyModelsBase, it is still necessary to load it to optimize a model or extract the results. It is hence necessary to load it in each model run explicitly.

EnergyModelsX models are in general agnostic towards which solver is used. They are hence not automatically included. Therefore, they require you to explicitly load the corresponding solver.