Methods - EnergyModelsBase


Extension methods

variables_node(m, 𝒩ˢᵗᵒʳ::Vector{<:AbstractElectrolyzer}, 𝒯, modeltype::EnergyModel)

Creates the following additional variables for ALL electrolyzer nodes:

  • elect_on_b[n, t] is binary variable which is 1 if electrolyzer n is operating in operational period t.
  • elect_prev_use[n, t] is the total use of the electrolyzer n in all previous operational periods up to operational period t since the last stack replacement. The value is provided in 1000 operational periods duration to avoid a too large matrix range.
  • elect_prev_use_sp[n, t_inv] is the total use of the electrolyzer n in all previous investment periods up to investment period t_inv since the last stack replacement. The value is provided in 1000 operational periods duration to avoid a too large matrix range.
  • elect_use_sp[n, t_inv] is the total time of usage of electrolyzer n in investment period t_inv. The value is provided in 1000 operational periods duration to avoid a too large matrix range.
  • elect_use_rp[n, t_rp] is the total time of usage of electrolyzer n in representative period t_rp, declared if the TimeStructure includes RepresentativePeriods. The value is provided in 1000 operational periods duration to avoid a too large matrix range.
  • elect_stack_replace_b[n, tinv] is a binary variable to indicate if electrolyzer n has stack replacement (value of 1) in investment period `tinv`. In this case, the efficiency penalty is reset to 0.
  • elect_efficiency_penalty[n, t] is a coefficient that accounts for drop in efficiency of electrolyzer n in operational period due to degradation in the electrolyzer. It starts at 1 and is reset to 1 at the beginning of the investment period with stack replacement
EMB.variables_node(m, 𝒩ʳᵉᶠ::Vector{Reformer}, 𝒯, modeltype::EnergyModel)

Creates the following additional variables for ALL reformer nodes:

  • ref_off_b[n, t] is a binary variable which is 1 if reformer n is in state off in operational period t.
  • ref_start_b[n, t] is a binary variable which is 1 if reformer n is in state start-up in operational period t.
  • ref_on_b[n, t] is a binary variable which is 1 if reformer n is in state on in operational period t.
  • ref_shut_b[n, t] is a binary variable which is 1 if reformer n is in state shutdown in operational period t.
EMB.create_node(m, n::AbstractElectrolyzer, 𝒯, 𝒫,  modeltype::EnergyModel)

Set all constraints for an AbstractElectrolyzer. Can serve as fallback option for all unspecified subtypes of AbstractElectrolyzer.

It differs from the function for a standard RefNetworkNode node through both calling additional functions as well as for calculations within the function.

Called constraint functions

EMB.create_node(m, n::Reformer, 𝒯, 𝒫, modeltype::EnergyModel)

Set all constraints for a Reformer.

It differs from the function for a standard RefNetworkNode node through both calling additional functions as well as for calculations within the function.

Called constraint functions


Constraint methods


Function for creating operational limits of an AbstractHydrogenNetworkNode.

The operational limits limit the capacity usage of the electrolyzer node between a minimimum and maximum load based on the installed capacity.


  • Consider the application of the upper bound only for systems in which the efficiency is given by a piecewise linear function to account for the increased energy demand at loads above the nominal capacity.

Function for creating the constraints on the :stor_level, :stor_charge_use, and :stor_discharge_use variables for a AbstractH2Storage node.

The discharge :stor_discharge_use is limited by the installed charging capacity stor_charge_inst and the multiplier discharge_charge due to the limitations given by the physical integrity of the storage vessel and/or the injection connection.

The installed charge capacity :stor_charge_inst times its field level_charge has an upper bound given by the installed storage capacity stor_level_inst. In the case of operational models, this is checked while in the case of investment models, it is constrained.

EMB.constraints_flow_in(m, n::HydrogenStorage, 𝒯::TimeStructure, modeltype::EnergyModel)

Function for creating the constraint on the inlet flow to a HydrogenStorage node.

It differs from the reference description by considering the dependency of the compression power on the storage level.

This is achieved through calling the subfunction energy_curve for the different breakpoints in the compression curve.

EMB.constraints_flow_out(m, n::Electrolyzer, 𝒯::TimeStructure, modeltype::EnergyModel)

Function for creating the constraint on the outlet flow from an Electrolyzer node. It differs from the reference description by taking into account stack degradation through the variable :elect_efficiency_penalty.

EMB.constraints_opex_var(m, n::Reformer, 𝒯ᴵⁿᵛ, modeltype::EnergyModel)

Function for creating the constraint on the variable OPEX of a Reformer node. It differs from the reference description through the incorporation of additional costs in each state of the node.


Check methods

EMB.check_node(n::AbstractElectrolyzer, 𝒯, modeltype::EnergyModel, check_timeprofiles::Bool)

This method checks that an AbstractElectrolyzer node is valid.

It reuses the standard checks of a NetworkNode node through calling the function EMB.check_node_default, but adds an additional check on the data.


  • The field cap is required to be non-negative.

  • The value of the field fixed_opex is required to be non-negative and accessible through a StrategicPeriod as outlined in the function EMB.check_fixed_opex().

  • The values of the dictionary input are required to be non-negative.

  • The values of the dictionary output are required to be non-negative.

    • The lower limit on capacity utilization is required ot be non-negative while the upper

    limit is required to be larger or equal than the lower limit as described in the check_load_lim()

  • The field degradation_rate is required to be in the range [0,1).

  • The TimeProfile of the field stack_replacement is required to be non-negative and accessible through a StrategicPeriod as outlined in the function EMB.check_fixed_opex().

  • The field stack_lifetime is required to be non-negative.

EMB.check_node(n::AbstractReformer, 𝒯, modeltype::EnergyModel, check_timeprofiles::Bool)

This method checks that an AbstractReformer node is valid.

It reuses the standard checks of a NetworkNode node through calling the function EMB.check_node_default, but adds an additional check on the data.


  • The field cap is required to be non-negative.

  • The value of the field fixed_opex is required to be non-negative and accessible through a StrategicPeriod as outlined in the function EMB.check_fixed_opex().

  • The values of the dictionary input are required to be non-negative.

  • The values of the dictionary output are required to be non-negative.

  • The lower limit on capacity utilization is required ot be non-negative while the upper limit is required to be larger or equal than the lower limit as described in the check_load_lim()

  • The field opex of the CommitParameters of the fields startup, shutdown, and off is required to be non-negative.

  • The field time of the CommitParameters of the fields startup, shutdown, and off is required to be non-negative and accessible through a StrategicPeriod, or Representativeperiod as outlined in the function check_commitment_profile.

  • The field rate_limit is required to be in the range [0,1].

EMB.check_node(n::SimpleHydrogenStorage, 𝒯, modeltype::EnergyModel, check_timeprofiles::Bool)

This method checks that a SimpleHydrogenStorage node is valid.

It reuses the standard checks of a Storage node through calling the function EMB.check_node_default, but adds an additional check on the data.


  • The TimeProfile of the field capacity in the type in the field charge is required to be non-negative.
  • The TimeProfile of the field capacity in the type in the field level is required to be non-negative`.
  • The TimeProfile of the field fixed_opex is required to be non-negative and accessible through a StrategicPeriod as outlined in the function check_fixed_opex for the chosen composite type.
  • The values of the dictionary input are required to be non-negative.
  • The values of the dictionary output are required to be non-negative.
  • The value of the field discharge_charge is required to be positive.
  • The value of the field level_charge is required to be positive. The provided capacities in the AbstractStorageParameters charge and `level cannot violate the value.
EMB.check_node(n::HydrogenStorage, 𝒯, modeltype::EnergyModel, check_timeprofiles::Bool)

This method checks that a HydrogenStorage node is valid.

It reuses the standard checks of a Storage node through calling the function EMB.check_node_default, but adds an additional check on the data.


  • The TimeProfile of the field capacity in the type in the field charge is required to be non-negative.
  • The TimeProfile of the field capacity in the type in the field level is required to be non-negative`.
  • The TimeProfile of the field fixed_opex is required to be non-negative and accessible through a StrategicPeriod as outlined in the function check_fixed_opex for the chosen composite type.
  • The values of the dictionary input are required to be non-negative.
  • The values of the dictionary output are required to be non-negative.
  • The value of the field discharge_charge is required to be positive.
  • The value of the field level_charge is required to be positive. The provided capacities in the AbstractStorageParameters charge and `level cannot violate the value.
  • The values of the fields p_min, p_charge, and p_max are required to be positive.
  • The values of the fields p_min and p_charge must be smaller than p_max.
  • The value of the field p_charge must be smaller than p_min.
EMB.check_node_data(n::HydrogenStorage, data::InvestmentData, 𝒯, modeltype::AbstractInvestmentModel, check_timeprofiles::Bool)

As HydrogenStorage nodes cannot utilize investments at the time being, a separate function is required


  • No investment data is allowed

Field extraction methods

inputs(n::HydrogenStorage, p::Resource)

When the node n is a HydrogenStorage, the function returns either both the stored and the electricity resource or a value of 1, if a resource p is specified.

outputs(n::HydrogenStorage, p::Resource)

When the node n is a HydrogenStorage, the function returns either the stored resource or a value of 1, if a resource p is specified.
