
A geographical Area consist of a location and a connection to a local energy system via a specialized Availability node called GeoAvailability. The specialized Availability node is required to modify the energy/mass balance to allow for imports and exports. Constraints related to the area keep track of a resource's export and import to the local system and exchange with other areas. Multiple dispatch is used on the Area type for imposing specific constraints. Hence, other restrictions can be applied on a area level, such as electricity generation reserves, CO₂ emission limits or resource limits (wind power, natural gas etc.).

Area types

The following types are inmplemented:

RefArea <: Area

A RefArea is an area representation with no additional constraints on energy/mass exchange.


  • id is the name/identifier of the area.
  • name is the name of the area.
  • lon::Real is the longitudinal position of the area.
  • lat::Real is the latitudinal position of the area.
  • node::Availability is the Availability node routing different resources within an area.
LimitedExchangeArea <: Area

A LimitedExchangeArea is an area in which the export is limited in each individual operational period for the provided resources. This can be necessary when an area is coupled with multiple other areas and the total export capacity should be restricted.


  • id is the name/identifier of the area.
  • name is the name of the area.
  • lon::Real is the longitudinal position of the area.
  • lat::Real is the latitudinal position of the area.
  • node::Availability is the Availability node routing different resources within an area.
  • limit::Dict{<:EMB.Resource, <:TimeProfile} is the amount of a resource that can be exchanged with other areas.
GeoAvailability <: EMB.Availability

A geography Availability node for substituion of the general GenAvailability node. A GeoAvailability is required if transmission should be included between individual [Area](@refs due to a changed mass balance.


  • id is the name/identifier of the node.
  • inputs::Vector{<:Resource} are the input Resources.
  • output::Vector{<:Resource} are the output Resources.

Functions for accessing fields of Area types

The following functions are defined for accessing fields from an Area:

exchange_limit(a::LimitedExchangeArea, p::Resource)
exchange_limit(a::LimitedExchangeArea, p::Resource, t)

Returns the limits of the exchange resources in area a as dictionary, the value of resource p as TimeProfile, or the value of resource p in operational period t.

If the resource p is not included, the function returns either a FixedProfile(0) or a value of 0.

getnodesinarea(a::Area, links)

Return a vector with all the nodes connected to the central availability node of an area.


  • a::Area.

  • links is a vector of all links in the model.
