Transmission modes
Transmission modes are introduced to model different approaches for transmission for resources. These transmission modes are located within a transmission corridor. In general, transmission modes are designed to only transport a single Resource
Introduced types and their fields
provides multiple TransmissionMode
s that can be introduced in models. The hierarchy of the individual transmission modes is given by:
├─ PipeMode
│ ├─ PipeLinepackSimple
│ └─ PipeSimple
├─ RefDynamic
└─ RefStatic
The individual modes use in general the same constraint functions and have the same fields with minor variations. Hence, all nodes with be presented below.
The fields of the types are given as:
The fieldid
is only used for providing a name to the transmission mode.- Transported resource fields:
The fieldresource
corresponds to the transportedResource
. The same resource is entering and leaving a transmission mode. Hence, pressure drop cannot be considered.
The implementedPipeMode
s allow for a differentiation between theResource
entering a transmission mode and the one leaving. This allows the incorporation of a pressure drop, albeit not through pressure drop equations but through a fixed pressure drop.consuming::EMB.Resource
s introduce furthermore a consumingResource
. Theconsuming
resource is required to transport theinlet
resource. The proportionality is given by the value provided in the fieldconsumption_rate
New `PipeMode` types Introducing new
types requires you to provide the same fields. Alternatively, you have to provide new methods to the functions,EMB.inputs
, andconsumption_rate
The installed capacity corresponds to the nominal capacity of the transmission mode. It is the outlet capacity and not the inlet capacity, that is after the calculation of the loss in the transmission mode.
If the node should contain investments through the application ofEnergyModelsInvestments
, it is important to note that you can only useFixedProfile
for the capacity, but notRepresentativeProfile
. In addition, all values have to be non-negative.trans_loss::TimeProfile
The transmission loss is calculated as a ratio of the transported resource. It is an absolute ratio, i.e., it is not dependent on the distance of the transmission corridor.opex_var::TimeProfile
The variable operational expenses are based on the capacity utilization through the variable:trans_out
. Hence, it is directly related to the specifiedoutput
ratios. The variable operating expenses can be provided asOperationalProfile
as well.opex_fixed::TimeProfile
The fixed operating expenses are relative to the installed capacity (through the fieldtrans_cap
) and the chosen duration of a strategic period as outlined on UtilizeTimeStruct
It is important to note that you can only useFixedProfile
for the fixed OPEX, but notRepresentativeProfile
. In addition, all values have to be{Data}
An entry for providing additional data to the model. In the current version, it is only used for providing additional investment data whenEnergyModelsInvestments
is used.Note The field
is not required as we include a constructor when the value is excluded.
transmission modes also introduce an additional field:
The energy share is a value corresponding to the amount of a resource that can be stored within aPipeLinepackSimple
transmission mode. It is a relative ratio corresponding to the maximum amount of aResource
that can be stored within a pipeline. If you have, e.g., a hydrogen pipeline of 13 GW and have the potential to store in this pipeline 13 GWh through linepacking, then you have to provide a value of 1 GWh/GW.
The types RefStatic
and RefDynamic
have furthermore the following field:
The direction value decides whether only unidirectional (1) or bidirectional (2) transport is allowed for the transmission mode.
Theoretically, both PipeSimple
and PipeLinepackSimple
include the field directions
. However, it is automatically set to 1 through the application of an inner constructor.
The order of the individual fields can be best found in the library, RefStatic
, RefDynamic
, PipeSimple
, and PipeLinepackSimple
Mathematical description
In the following mathematical equations, we use the name for variables and functions used in the model. Variables are in general represented as
$\texttt{var\_example}[index_1, index_2]$
with square brackets, while functions are represented as
$func\_example(index_1, index_2)$
with paranthesis.
The variables of all transmission modes are described on optimization variables and include:
- $\texttt{trans\_opex\_var}$ if the transmission mode has a method returning
for the functionEnergyModelsBase.has_opex
. By default, all transmission modes include the variable. - $\texttt{trans\_opex\_fixed}$ if the transmission mode has a method returning
for the functionEnergyModelsBase.has_opex
. By default, all transmission modes include the variable. - $\texttt{trans\_cap}$
- $\texttt{trans\_in}$
- $\texttt{trans\_out}$
- $\texttt{trans\_loss}$
- $\texttt{emissions\_trans}$ if the transmission mode has a method returning
for the functionEnergyModelsBase.has_emissions
. By default, no transmission mode includes the variable.
transmission modes include furthermore:
- $\texttt{linepack\_stor\_level}$
Bidirectional transmission modes include furthermore:
- $\texttt{trans\_neg}$
- $\texttt{trans\_pos}$
A qualitative overview of the individual constraints can be found on Constraint functions. This section focuses instead on the mathematical description of the individual constraints. It omits the direction inclusion of the vector of transmission modes. Instead, it is implicitly assumed that the constraints are valid $\forall tm ∈ M$ for all TransmissionMode
types if not stated differently. In addition, all constraints are valid $\forall t \in T$ (that is in all operational periods) or $\forall t_{inv} \in T^{Inv}$ (that is in all strategic periods).
The following standard constraints are implemented for a TransmissionMode
:Unidirectional transport constrains the outlet flow to the provided capacity while simultaneously introduce lower bounds of 0 on both $\texttt{trans\_out}$ and $\texttt{trans\_in}$:
\[\texttt{trans\_out}[tm, t] \leq \texttt{trans\_cap}[tm, t]\]
Bidirectional transport constrains both the inlet and outlet flow to the provided capacity:
\[\begin{aligned} \texttt{trans\_in}[tm, t] & \geq -\texttt{trans\_cap}[tm, t] \\ \texttt{trans\_out}[tm, t] & \leq \texttt{trans\_cap}[tm, t] \end{aligned}\]
transmission modes employ the same constraints as unidirectional transport, but require further constraints for the loss calculation and the storage balance:\[\begin{aligned} \texttt{trans\_in}[tm, t] & \leq \texttt{trans\_cap}[tm, t] + \texttt{trans\_loss}[tm, t] \\ \texttt{trans\_out}[tm, t] & \leq \texttt{trans\_cap}[tm, t] \\ \texttt{linepack\_stor\_level}[tm, t] & \leq \texttt{trans\_cap}[tm, t] \times energy\_share(tm) \\ \end{aligned}\]
:\[\texttt{trans\_cap}[tm, t] = capacity(tm, t)\]
Using investments The function
is also used inEnergyModelsInvestments
to incorporate the potential for investment. Nodes with investments are then no longer constrained by the parameter capacity.constraints_trans_loss
:Unidirectional transport calculates the loss as a fraction of the inlet:
\[\texttt{trans\_loss}[tm, t] = loss(tm, t) \times \texttt{trans\_in}[tm, t]\]
Bidirectional transport calculates the loss as a fraction of the positive and negative contributions:
\[\texttt{trans\_loss}[tm, t] = loss(tm, t) \times \left(\texttt{trans\_pos}[tm, t] + \texttt{trans\_neg}[tm, t]\right)\]
which are in turn calculated as:
\[\texttt{trans\_pos}[tm, t] - \texttt{trans\_neg}[tm, t] = 0.5 \times \left(\texttt{trans\_in}[tm, t] + \texttt{trans\_out}[tm, t]\right)\]
Loss calculations It looks to me that the loss calculations are not equivalent. We have to change that.
:The overall transport balance is then given as:
\[\texttt{trans\_out}[tm, t] = \texttt{trans\_in}[tm, t] - \texttt{trans\_loss}[tm, t]\]
uses a different approach which will be revisited as it does not support a time structure including operational scenarios or representative periods. Hence, it will not be included in the documentation. If you are interested in the mathematical formulation, feel free to look at the functionconstraints_trans_balance
:\[\texttt{trans\_opex\_fixed}[tm, t_{inv}] = opex\_fixed(tm, t_{inv}) \times \texttt{trans\_cap}[tm, first(t_{inv})]\]
Why do we use `first()` The variable $\texttt{trans\_cap}$ is declared over all operational periods (see the variable section for further explanations). Hence, we use the function $first(t_{inv})$ to retrieve the installed capacity in the first operational period of a given strategic period $t_{inv}$ in the function
:Unidirectional transport calculates the variable operating expenses as a fraction of the outlet flow:
\[\begin{aligned} \texttt{trans\_opex\_var}[tm, t_{inv}] = \sum_{t \in t_{inv}} & opex\_var(tm, t) \times \\ & \texttt{trans\_out}[tm, t] \times \\ & scale\_op\_sp(t_{inv}, t) \end{aligned}\]
while bidirectional transport utilize again the variables $\texttt{trans\_pos}[tm, t]$ and $\texttt{trans\_neg}[tm, t]$ as introduced above:
\[\begin{aligned} \texttt{trans\_opex\_var}[tm, t_{inv}] = \sum_{t \in t_{inv}} & opex\_var(tm, t) \times \\ & \left(\texttt{trans\_pos}[tm, t] + \texttt{trans\_neg}[tm, t]\right) \times \\ & scale\_op\_sp(t_{inv}, t) \end{aligned}\]
The function `scale_op_sp` The function $scale\_op\_sp(t_{inv}, t)$ calculates the scaling factor between operational and strategic periods. It also takes into account potential operational scenarios and their probability as well as representative periods.
:Unidirectional transport calculates the emissions of the resourecs $p_{em} \in emit\_resources(tm)$ as a fraction of the outlet flow:
\[\texttt{emissions\_trans}[tm, t, p_{em}] = emissions(tm, p_{em}, t) \times \texttt{trans\_out}[tm, t]\]
while bidirectional transport utilize again the variables $\texttt{trans\_pos}[tm, t]$ and $\texttt{trans\_neg}[tm, t]$ as introduced above:
\[\texttt{emissions\_trans}[tm, t, p_{em}] = emissions(tm, p_{em}, t) \times \left(\texttt{trans\_pos}[tm, t] + \texttt{trans\_neg}[tm, t]\right)\]