
This Julia package implements three new nodes with corresponding JuMP variables and constraints, extending the package EnergyModelsBase with more detailed representation of technologies within the CO₂ capture, transport, and storage value chain.

It implements the following new technology nodes:

  1. a Source node CO2Source,
  2. a Storage node CO2Storage,
  3. a Network node RefNetworkNodeRetrofit to which CCS can be retrofitted, and
  4. a Network node CCSRetroFit that corresponds to the unit that captures CCS.

The new introduced node types are also documented on the individual node pages.

Developed nodes


The main difference from a regular RefSource-node is that the CO2Source allows for the CO₂ instance to be an output


The main difference from a regular Storage-node is that the CO2Storage will not reset the storage level at the beginning of each strategic period, but the level will accumulate across the strategic periods. This allows for proper accounting for the total stored CO₂. In addition, it takes the total storage limit into account.


The main difference from a regular RefNetworkNode-node is that it does not directly emit CO₂. Instead, a proxy CO₂ is produced that leaves the node in the output. It cannot be used as standalone, but instead requires the inclusion of a CCSRetroFit, either directly coupled, or alternatively via an Availability node.


The CCSRetroFit-node has to be coupled with a RefNetworkNodeRetrofit node. In the base case, when the installed capacity is 0, all CO₂ entering the node is emitted. The CO₂ is captured, if a given capacity is installed. However, it only captures the proxy CO₂ resource and not process or energy use related emissions.

Manual outline

Description of the nodes

How to guides

Library outline