Create a new element

Idea behind elements

EnergyModelsBase allows incorporating new elements. These elements can have distinctive variables and constraints that are not inherited from the Link or Node types. New elements can be coupled to the existing elements through the introduction of so-called coupling constraints. An example for coupling constraints is provided by constraints_couple in which we include the coupling between nodes and links. In this case, the flow into a Node corresponds to the sum of all flows from the connected Links while the flow from a Node corresponds to the flow into the connected Links.

Introducing new Elements

Creating new elements should only be considered in cases where the functionality of Link or Node types is not sufficient for representing new concepts. It is generally preferred to instead create a new link or node (as outlined on how to create a new node). This approach is simpler and is less error prone


It is necessary to be aware of the following limitations when you create a new subtype for AbstractElement.

Consider the case of a new abstract type

abstract type NewElement <: AbstractElement

You have to be aware of the following requirements.

  1. A vector of the new subtype must be added to the field elements in addition to Node and Link vector in order to include new variables and constraints in a case description.

  2. You must specify new methods for your new Vector{<:NewElement} for a lot of different functions that are called within the core functionality of EnergyModelsBase. The different functions for variable creation are:

    All functions have the following input arguments:

    • m is the JuMP.Model instance,
    • elements::Vector{<:NewElement} is the vector for your NewElements included in the model,
    • 𝒳ᵛᵉᶜ::Vector{Vector} is a vector of all elements vector, required in certain instances to access other elements,
    • 𝒯::TimeStructure is the time structure used in the model run, and
    • modeltype is the EneryModel instance.

    The function variables_emission requires as additional input the vector of all resources 𝒫.

    The different functions for constraint creation are:

    In addition, we provide a check function:

    This function has a fallback solution if you do not specify a new method. It is the only exception as it is not necessary to implement checks.

  3. If you plan to introduce coupling constraints between the NewElement and other AbstractElements, you must create a new method for constraints_couple and supply a function for extracting the element from the case instance. The latter can be inspired by get_nodes and get_links.

    Couplings with existing elements

    Coupling a new element with existing elements is highly dangereous. A major problem is that you can create additional constraints that result in the problem being unfeasible.

    As an example, consider the function constraints_couple for nodes and links. In this function, we incorporate the coupling between the different links and nodes. In practice, a link can only have a single input and output, while a node can be connected to an arbirtrary number of links. If you now want to include a new element coupled to a Node via the flow variables, it is necessary that you only allow these couplings with a novel introduced node, in which the internal energy balance is adjusted to account for the new coupling.